Meenakshi Anand Narayan

My interest in creating new things lead me to explore my creativity through programming making me a passionate software developer with the innovative and creative mindset of an entrepreneur. I have experience building dynamic web applications in JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, React, Redux and HTML/CSS. Programming has been my outlet for problem-solving and creative expression.

Professional Experience

Senior Software Engineer

San Francisco,California

Nov 2019 - Persent

Software Engineer


October 2015 - October 2017



Feb 2013 - June 2015

Systems Engineer

Chennai,Tamil Nadu

July 2011 - Dec 2012

Personal Projects


Functional clone of

Doodle Jump

Platformig video game built for web browsers.

Parking Sniffer

Peer to peer parking space rental web app.

image/svg+xml Artboard 12 Artboard 12


Node.js logo
image/svg+xml Artboard 12 Artboard 12

Contact Me


Connect is a Facebook-inspired full-stack web application built upon a Rails framework, using PostgreSQL database and React for the rendering of frontend components, with Redux being used for state management.
Users can signup for an accout or sign in with their credentials to access the platform. The users account information are protected by Auth pattern. Only the valid user can log-in and see all the features.
Users can upload their profile picture and covere photos. Users can post on their own wall and also their friends wall. Comments can be added and removed from posts with a single click.
Photo upload uses the paperclip gem to manage attachments. Uploaded pictures are stored in an Amazon AWS S3 server.Attachments can be associated with both users (cover photo, profile picture) and posts (post attachment).
The header searchbar listens for change events and performs searches as the user inputs their query. Searches are case-insensitive and conducted using ActiveRecord queries and regular expressions.
Users are notified of friend requests in the header pane and can accept or reject the requests without leaving the page the user is currently browsing.

Doodle Jump

Doodle Jump is a clone of the classic game, in which the character attempts hops up to earn points for each hop . He will be interrupted by enemies and collision with the enemies or falling down will result in losing the game .
Doodle Jump uses Vanilla JavaScript for the overall structure and game logic.
A simple generator is used which creates the platform (a queue of objects and space) for the doodle to navigate. PS5 is used for sound generation, processing and control.
When each frame is rendered,necessary computation is done to detect collision, add points based on the user input. Webpack is used to bundle and serve up various scripts.

Parking Sniffer

Parking Sniffer is a project aiming to create a peer to peer parking space network to solve the issue of limited parking space in major cities.
Parking Sniffer is built on the MERN stack . It is built out on non-relational database using MongoDB to eliminate the need for queries to access highly correlated user data.Express is used for backend web application frame work , while React is used for rendering the frontend components.
The app allows the users to rent out their registered parking space and also to rent a parking space for their registered vehicle.
The app integrates Google Maps API with geolocation based searching utilizing the Havesine formula to calculate distances on a sphere and create search areas.
Users are can rent a parking space by sending a reservation request to the desired parking space found through the search. The owner of the parking space holds the right to accept or reject the request.